Important: When doing the translation, please do not modify or translate the beginning “define('MSG_', Just translate the text between the second pair of quotes! Thanks!

en: ENGLISH, English

define('MSG_INVITATION_A', 'What does this sign mean? Please participate in a scientific survey about emergency symbols. For details, see reverse side.');

define('MSG_INVITATION_B', 'Pictographs are widely used to give instructions when messages should be quickly and language-independent be transferred. For example, in traffic hubs (airports, train stations) or as a warning sign on packaging (of dangerous chemical substances, medicaments). Yet there does not exist a set of pictographs depicting medical conditions, such as, drug-incompatibility of a patient. We are developing such a set and kindly invite you and your colleagues to participate! Please visit:');

define('MSG_HEAD', 'Survey');

define('MSG_INTRO_A', 'This questionnaire shall help to develop a set of international pictograms.');

define('MSG_INTRO_B', 'Please take enough time for the survey, about 20 minutes. You cannot submit the form before you have filled-out all required fields.');

define('MSG_INTRO_C', 'However, there is no session limit – you can take as long as you want, or keep this window open and continue at a later time. Hint: You can jump from field to field using the TAB key.');

define('MSG_SEX_QUESTION', 'Are you a woman or a man? (Optional)');

define('MSG_SEX_MALE', 'male');

define('MSG_SEX_FEMALE', 'female');

define('MSG_BIRTHYEAR', 'In what year were you born? (Optional)');

define('MSG_MED_LEVEL_QUESTION', 'Which medical knowledge do you have?');

define('MSG_MED_LEVEL_1', '* medical doctor, anaesthetist, radiologist, medical researcher ');

define('MSG_MED_LEVEL_2', '* nurse, naturopathic practitioner, physiotherapist');

define('MSG_MED_LEVEL_3', '* ambulance man, first-aid man, paramedic');

define('MSG_MED_LEVEL_4', '* fire fighter, rescue worker, lifeguard');

define('MSG_MED_LEVEL_5', '* sports instructor, physical education teacher, pool attendant');

define('MSG_MED_LEVEL_6', '* layman');

define('MSG_COUNTRY_QUESTION_A', 'In which country are you right now? ');

define('MSG_COUNTRY_QUESTION_B', 'Please select the country.');

define('MSG_CULTURAL_QUESTION_A', 'To what cultural area you feel belong?');

define('MSG_CULTURAL_QUESTION_B', 'Please select a country.');

define('MSG_LANGUAGE_QUESTION_A', 'What languages have you mastered? You may enter the English name or the proper name. Please separate languages with a comma “,”.');

define('MSG_LANGUAGE_QUESTION_B', 'For example, “English, Chinese, German” or “English, 中文, Deutsch”.');

define('MSG_HAZARD_PICTOGRAMS', 'Below you can see hazard symbols. Please enter the meaning or meanings which you can see in each symbol into the entry field on the right side. Please separate multiple meanings with a comma “,”.');

define('MSG_SOS_PICTOGRAMS', 'Below, you see symbols that represent a disease or a relevant medical treatment or an allergy or a medication intolerance. Please specify the meaning or meanings which you can see in each symbol in the entry field on the right side. Please separate multiple meanings with a comma “,”.');

define('MSG_PAGE_REFRESH_NOTE', 'Note: When opening this page, the arrangement and the selection of the symbols is determined randomly.');

define('MSG_SPAM_PROTECT', 'Please leave this field blank. This is to prevent robots automatically submit this form.');

define('MSG_BUTTON_SUBMIT', 'Submit');

define('MSG_THX', 'Thank you for your participation!');

define('MSG_LEAVE_EMAIL', 'Do you want to be notified when the the results of this survey are available? Then please enter your e-mail address:');

define('MSG_SPREAD', 'Please invite your friends to this survey!');

define('MSG_INVITE_HEADLINE', 'Participate in a survey on health icons!');

define('MSG_INVITE_BODY', 'Hello! Just I took part in a survey to health pictograms. For example, universal pictograms can help to provide better assistance to people with pre-existing conditions in a medical emergency, and to save lives. This survey examines the intelligibility of such symbols. Come on in! It takes only a few minutes.');

define('MSG_DONATION_INTRO', 'After the end of this survey, we want to make the pictographs identified as easily understandable known worldwide. To do this, we will distribute leaflets and e-books. Please join us:');

define('MSG_DONATION_A', 'Tell us names and email addresses of hospitals, rescue stations etc., to whom we should send e-books.');

define('MSG_DONATION_B', 'Donate for the distribution of information leaflets to hospitals, rescue stations, etc. Your donation funds printing, packing and shipping (postage).');

define('MSG_DONATION_C', 'Donate to the sending of information leaflets to hospitals and rescue stations of your choice. Please specify the address. (Please note: the donation should cover printing costs, packaging and international postage. Otherwise your post will be added to the General Fund.)');

define('MSG_NEW_LANGUAGE', 'Would you add a new language to make this survey available world-wide? Please write us:');